Tuesday, October 28, 2008

RefLection (tle flowcharting)

Flowcharting is a:
"Graphical representation of a process, such as a manufacturing operation or a computer operation, indicating the various steps taken as the product moves along the production line or the problem moves through the computer.
Individual operations can be represented by closed boxes, with arrows between boxes indicating the order in which the steps are taken and divergent paths determined by variable results."

has been part of my 4th year life. Flowcharting experiences in computer programming is unforgettable. It is great! My experiences in doing the flowchart for different problems has always been exciting! I admit, it's difficult at first. But when you learn to understand and you know the concepts well, it will be easy on the succeeding chapters.

One thing I love in flowcharting is it makes my mind go on thinking and analyzing deeper and deeper while having fun! =) It made my logic flow better and better. I only have just to use deep analysis and logic in order to solve the problems given by our teacher.

Flowcharting has a significant influence also in my life- not just in school. It helped me to think clearer and easier about real situations in life in which I can apply those learnings. It's a matter of YES or NO.

Learning how to do flowcharting helped me a lot. It expanded my knowledge about computer programming. It helped me to understand what programmers really are doing. If all of us know how to do programming like this simple flowchart, it will be a great help in our school and society because flowcharting has many applications in real world.

And that's the beauty of flowcharting.^^

~Hazel Cledera, 4-Ohms

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Wisdom is the sharing of wise experiences and knowledge, but a lot of it is common sense. The difference is how we apply this common sense - we all have the ability to keep going even when we face challenges in our lives - basically it comes down to your attitude. We can have a positive attitude towards life, or a negative attitude. We can focus on the good or we can focus on the bad. Keeping a positive mental attitude is one of the keys to success.
The choice is always up to you!


"Character isn't something you were born with and can't change,
like your fingerprints.
It's something you weren't born with and
must take responsibility for forming."