Sunday, January 18, 2009

mY LeArninGs in cOmpUteR pRogramMing

Our subject - TLE, particularly computer programming last quarter tackled about flowcharting. Now, we opened up a new topic in programming with the use of a software called Visual Basic 6.0

Visual Basic topics are so interesting! It's difficult at first because there are so many terms to familiarize and buttons or tools to know. But then, I tried my very best to learn those things and I made it! I and my partner have created a mini-game called Lucky Seven. It is an accomplishment for us even though it's not that a big thing and it's just like a game for kids. I and my partner Rosette felt so happy and satisfied doing that project game in Visual Basic.

One unforgettable experience also is when our group "MocHamOhkEamOi" was about to report about "making my first program" in VBasic because none of our groupmates knew on how to use Visual Basic. But I, courageously took the challenge to report about it even though I don't know that much. I just followed the instructions written in the manual and when I made a mistake because I'm just a beginner, I just make 'palusot' and smiled...^^,

We are so lucky that in our time while in high school, we are already taught on how to use Visual Basic 6.0. It is a great advantage for us students! It became our edge to other students as well as other schools also.

I'm very grateful that in my high school life, I've learned how to use it. I will cherish the knowledge I gained until college life..


-hazel cledera...4-ohms