Friday, February 27, 2009

The Errors I have encountered while making projects in Visual Basic 6.0

Since we have a computer class, we are required to make different projects with the use of Visual Basic software.

Several times, when we were about to make a project called ''Lucky Seven'', and I am doing and typing codes in the code window, I encountered an error. It says, 'error' runtime number 624.

I am very hot-tempered that time because I and my partner were about to be finished already in our mini-game then suddenly that error occured in the system. I really don't know what to do! I just relaxed a bit to easy my temper. And then, finally, I began to explore to find my mistake. I checked the name of the form and that was ''FrmLucky7'' and what I've typed in the code is a different one! Instead of FrmLucky7, it was named ''Coins''. Hahaha! How funny isn't it to be mad and then laugh at your own mistakes.

*I have learned that I should be careful in writing codes and check their names if it is what really the one I had typed there. I am the one making codes so the errors that may appear is my fault.

Another is the recent project that we have to make called ''Message and Input Boxes''. It is exciting and adventurous for me because the instructions in our handout were just examples. Meaning, I am really the one who must think of the right codes and I'm just guided by the examples! I find it hard at the first time since it's new topic again and our teacher doesn't teach us but she wanted us to explore.

The errors that made me mad again is the ''Block If without End If''' and also the wrong spelling of ''Storetext''. hehe. Block If without end if should be placed after a statement which in which its condition is already satisfied. I always forghot to put and end if before end sub. =p

Also, my spelling of 'storetext' due to super rapid or rush typing, became 'soretext' or 'storetex' that's why my program didn't run at all correctly because the command I have putted has different spelling from what I intended to declare.

I almost encounter an error everytime I have a project to be made in Visual Basic because of my attitude that 'I want to be finished first' and not realizing that it should be done one at a time and I should be careful so that I can work continuously without errors interrupting.

And the last error I have encountered again is when we are making ''Math Operators'' project is ''Syntax Error'' also the statement ''Else without If''. I encountered syntax error because several of my lines have a ' within the "" so maybe that's it. I encountered ''Else without If''' because I made a condition in which it is not clear and I should not put ElseIf twice,instead, ''Else'' only if the previous conditions are not satisfied. I am just confused in using the conditions since it is done in visual basic mixed with other codes plus the message boxes and others.

I've realized that doing projects is fun and exciting. I've also realized that in order for a project to become a successful one, I must be careful enough not to create an error and critical enough to debug errors.

Errors are just normal for us, like me, who is just beginning to create a certain program. But any errors not corrected may lead to failure and all your sacrifices making it will be wasted. So, my advice is be careful enough and be patient to fix errors.

Thank you ma'am also for letting us make wonderful projects in Visual Basic...=p